The Wordle of God for the People of God
I guess what I’m trying to say is that we’ve got Amazon Prime two-day shipping. You can press a few buttons and, within two hours, have a week’s worth of groceries ready to pick up at your nearest Target. But sometimes resurrection isn’t like that.
Like a Rock in Your Shoe
The hope of the resurrection is defiantly persistent — like a rock in your shoe. But y’all, for the love of God, keep walking.
The World’s Largest Ball of Paint
There's good news here — especially in our performance-driven, achievement-motivated culture. Because it gives us permission to not have it all figured out.
Paul is saying that there is an interconnectedness and an interdependence inherent. And he does all of this by reminding the Corinthians that their social body has its grounding — its origin — in the broken, mutilated, weak, and crucified body of Jesus.
Your Unicorn
When you offer your gifts for the common good, toward Beloved Community, Jesus shines through you. That’s the epiphany.
Thursday Three • January 13, 2022
Whether it’s kids or colleagues or friends or parishioners, I’m recognizing that I'm not always present, listening well, or seeing them in their fullness. So this week’s Thursday Three is about the work of friendship.
Surface Pressure
Who am I if I don't have what it takes?
The Thursday Three • January 6, 2022
I’ve spent the years following that night in Charlottesville working to become a student of Archbishop Tutu, and I was heartbroken to learn of his “transition” on December 26. So for this week’s Thursday Three, I’m sharing three of his teachings that have shaped my life.
Home By Another Way
I'm inviting, I hope, a reframing that names the truth that God’s got us. That perhaps in ways we can’t see, the year that has been will be a gift from God to our future selves. That the flames of the dumpster fire might be purifying and refining.
The Thursday Three • December 30, 2021
Like many of you, I suppose, I’ve spent this week taking stock of 2021 and looking ahead to 2022. For today’s Thursday Three, I’m sharing some words that have struck me and sustained me this year — words I hope to continue to carry with me into the new year ahead.